Monday 30 July 2012

SEO – The best approach towards visibility

Visibility is the only reason why we get involved in the search engine marketing. Our website needs to have presence, a prominent presence on the web, where people surfing the internet can find us, talk to us and get involved with our business activities. Every business needs customers to survive and SEO gives us the opportunity to reach out to our target market through appearance on the search engine search results and hence lead them to our web pages. 

Know your keywords well – We are talking about the back bone of search engine optimization, the keywords. Not all words are keywords save for the words that are related to your market niche and those that are frequently used by your target market to find products, services and information that you are disseminating or selling. 

When the race of SEO began, the keywords, phrases and their variation stuffed into our web content worked well, but than it make the text less understandable to the human eyes, hence, the stage where keywords were stuffed passed away really fast, giving way to more ethical approach of using the selected keywords and phrases, directly or in variation but in decent keyword density so as to develop the content that made sense when read online.

Build effective META Tags – Once we have done our homework with the keywords, building HTML tags is our next work. The Meta Title tag, this tag is as good as it was since the beginning. But now do not stuff it with keywords, make a powerful Meta Title Tag, off course keyword rich but the one that makes sense to the search engines as well.

Meta Description Tag – This is the tag that carries the summery of the web pages content. It has to be made with serious efforts. Actually this is read by the web viewers and forces them to click or not to click.

Link Building – Building links is a serious game. It gives our web pages strong hold on the web and on the search engines. We know for a fact that naturally gathered links help in better search engine placements.

Search engine optimization is the only best approach to online visibility. We must learn how to play our cards right.

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