Friday 20 July 2012

Improving search engine ranking - SEO advantages

With the growing number of people logging online to search or research and with new people getting access to the web, the opportunity for the business owners keep rising. Their need is to be visible in front of the web surfer. The good quality website, with good content and information is rewarded by the web visitors in terms of traffic flow to their web pages. Hence, our need is visibility.

This need takes us to the search engines, Google, Yahoo and Bing to speak of, essentially. Consider now, how many of go to Google to search for information? Approximately 85% of us to Google, Yahoo and Bing take the best of the balance 15%.

The growth of the internet and the increasing number of the content being uploaded on the search engines gives the search engines the responsibility of providing the visitors with improved and relevant search results, thus forcing them to keep an eye on the people, the optimizers who want to get to the top through which ever means they can by exploiting and challenging the search engines using techniques, commonly known as black hat techniques, to get to the top of search engines leaving the more deserving sites behind.

Google Panda and Google update is the result of the changed forced by these unethical SEO practitioners who get punished with every algorithm change.

Improving the search engine ranking for your website really depends on the website structure or we can say the architecture and the website design. Not to say that flashy looking websites, with numerous ads and pop ups with jazzy color and layout will get you to the top, but the content, original, informative and quality content, balance website design will help.

Factors that can help in improving the search engine ranking include:
  • A Site Map that carries links to all necessary and important parts of the website
  • Less use of flash and Java script
  • Avoid the use of frames
  • Proper internal linking of web pages
  • Simple and uncluttered web pages
  • User friendly and intuitive navigation through out the site

Keywords do play an important role. By avoiding keyword stuffing and letting your content flow in the natural manner, let your website enjoy the fruits of LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) which Google incorporated recently. 

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