Wednesday 11 July 2012

Five Basic SEO Tips

Just yesterday when I was discussing search engine marketing with my friends, business owners who were worried about the internet marketing trends and the intensity of competition online, I was surprised to see that many were still unaware of what SEO is and how would it help them to gain prominence on the web. They were more concerned about getting hold of the SEO specialist. More over their concerned revolved around the investment in the SEO and the ROI.

For them and for many other small business owners who are worried about their web marketing and about gaining visibility on the search engines, the piece of advice is to find time and learn SEO. I can help you to understand the basics and take you to the next level if you keep following up the posts on this blog.

Believe me, by just spending a few hours either day or night, you can SEO your website, yourself without having to get into a contract with the SEO company. No investments, no outflow and get the maximum visibility on the search engines.

Lets begin

We must understand that it is not just Google that we are looking at when we are talking about SEO. Yahoo and Bing are important too. For sure we know that Google takes 85% of the market share while other including Yahoo and Bing share the balance 15%.

We must optimize for Google, Yahoo and Bing, the most used search engines to gain visibility on the Internet allowing the web users to find out business on the web.

Tip # 1 – learn about your competition. Study their ranking, their visibility and their participation on the online social marketing mediums.

Tip # 2 – Research the industry related keywords and phrases. Study the keywords your competition is using. Use keyword research tools to arrive at the most relevant industry related keywords, Keyword phrases and long tail ends

Tip # 3 – Develop website content. Make the content for your customers and embed keywords with the ratio of 1% to 2%. Make your web content in easy, understandable English and make sure that you do not copy the content from other website. Do not plagiarize.

Tip # 4 - Develop META Tags. Meta Title Tag, Meta Description Tag are important HTML elements that hold important place in the SEO of a website.

Tip # 5 – Take care in building internallinks.Error Free internallinking not only helps the search engines to index the web pages in the website but also helps the web visitors to follow the links to arrive at the desired web page.

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