Thursday 26 July 2012

SEO - What is the game all about

Quest of every web entrepreneur is visibility for his website. Our presence on the web can be acknowledged by web visitors coming in on our website. Visitors mean a lot and if our website remains unseen or unfound on the web, we remain traffic less, with no web visitors, no business prospects. Our website remains to be expensive bill boards lying in our back yards.

Web visibility solution can be reached through ethical organic SEO. It’s about getting traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Ranking high for the relevant keywords and attracting link back, thus gaining immense visibility on the search engine leading people to learn about your web presence and flowing towards your web pages.

 There has been a lot of changes recently in the algorithm of the search engine where the bots or the search engine spiders are programmed or told what to do and what not to do, which pages to pick up, rank high and which pages to drop. Not everything has changed. Many things still hold good with SEO, since the time the race for top ranking started. People, the optimizer and the web users are the teachers who taught the search engines how to alter the programming part of the search engines (a) to keep away black hatters from exploiting the search engines (b) providing the end users with more relevant and fresh web search results.

Points to note

SEO is from free. Until you start buying links to force a strong hold on the search engines. Remember this not call for. Buying link is risky and not liked by Google; you can get a beating for your illicit practice. Google eyes that link from a relevant site as a vote and thus more links your website naturally collects get favored by Google. Buying links may cause harm.

Make sure that the content of your site must be original. Search engine place a lot of weight in the creative decently crafted original web copy.

Internal linking matters. Good internal links, unbroken links are helpful for the search engine spiders to index the pages of the website. Clean internal linking is also helpful for the website visitor’s navigation. 

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