Monday 14 January 2013

SEO Website

Our websites are our online showrooms that help us to showcase our products, services and the information. Our sales through online web pages depend on the visibility of the web pages on the search engines. We have repeatedly studied the elements that help us in achieving the online visibility and our efforts are always concentrated around getting a better ROI. Our SEO strategies, therefore, must be directed towards letting our website be found on the web.

The visibility thus can be achieved through:

-    On Page Search engine optimization
-    The Off page optimization
-     Link Building
-    Web content promotion – through articles writing and article posting
-    Blog posting
-    Commenting
-    Press Releases Distribution Online
-    Social networking
-    Social media marketing

Thus collectively, we are aiming for a band to happen on the search engines where the regular surfer get to see the link of our website on the search engine results pages when he/she key in the specific search for the products, services or information for which we have optimized our website for.

Contribution to On-Page SEO today is not just getting the on page elements tweaked. It is about building the intent based content where the company owners’ aim in developing web content targeting the semantic search results. Along with the website content, the Meta Title Tag, the Description tag, the ALT image tag help in preparing the web pages for search engine optimization.

The Off Page Optimization is a tough ask. Here submitting the web pages to the search engine directories, article marketing, blog marketing, social media marketing and other steps are taken to build links and promote the website on the search engines with the aim of strengthening the hold on the search engine ranking and getting to the place where the website is prominent to the web surfers eye balls.

Your site might be good. It might have the best aesthetic appeal. It might have unique content on the web pages, but if it is not optimized for the search engines and not found on the search engines results, it will just be an expensive bill board sitting in your back yard.

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