Thursday 17 January 2013

SEO Web Content Writing

Article writing had been in vogue since the day SEO took off. The concept behind were to educate the web visitors about the products and services being offered through the website. The intention was also to tell them that you are not only the seller and the marketers of the product, the service but you are also the expert in your area of business and in the products and services you deal in. This led to the reputation and the authority which also brought in huge web traffic and number of healthy back links. Hence, the juice was that the search engines placed trust, liked your effort and the content and gave a better page rank to your website and also improved the ranking of the web pages along with a better page rank.

In all, the good efforts paid off. The happy scenario did not last long enough for the happy go lucky optimizers who started to pull strings and made the mockery of the search engine algorithm. We saw a lot of keyword stuffed articles on the web. We also saw a lot of spinned articles for SEO purpose. Such articles failed in quality contest. They also lacked the value in the terms of educating the web visitors but actually were quite successful in garnering links, improving the search engine ranking, getting more back links and hence better page rank. Those days were happy days for many SEO’s and the web business owners who thrived by getting the top search engine ranking with these efforts.

The need of the day was good quality original web content that could stand on its own feet. Articles, blogs and other shares that could stand out and were not stuffed with keywords. Our friends started to build content for the search engines. The search engine feeds, frustrated the web visitors who found little or no value in most of the web communications.

The Panda update washed off many expectations of many optimizers and the business owners who found their website disappearing as soon as the update in the algorithm took effect. The low quality over optimized content lost its SEO value and the search engine once again reiterated that quality would remain in the lead. If anyone or any website carried keyword stuffed web content, spun articles that are written for the search engines and not for the reader and those that fail to provide quality information would fail to bring SEO benefits to the websites.

SEO content writing has now become a more serious game where quality and intent rules the SEO world.

1 comment:

  1. I thought finding a company that will help me provide all the services that all small business need is a tough one. Thank you for enlightening us about SEO content writing.

    SEO Writing Services
