Wednesday 23 January 2013

Getting to Know SEO

Search Engine Optimization – more commonly known as SEO is not alien to many, yet is somewhat new for the people who are still getting their hands on with the web. Website is a fancy tool for some and for other it is waste of time and precious money. The believers in the web marketing yet are few. For those who preach and practice SEO, the skies seem to be dark. Some have come to the point of giving up on the hard core SEO practices, other are still perusing their way around.

SEO today is quite different from what it used to be in the beginning of previous year. The things were rosy for many whose web pages ranked at the top of the search results on the pages of prominent search engines. The game since then has tilted against them. Their keyword stuffed, search engine pleasing pages are not anymore liked by the search engine as these fail to show up for the intent and the purpose for which the user conducts the search.

The present day SEO wants our web pages to deliver the purpose and swing along with the intent of the web surfer. The artificially intelligent search engine BOTs get to know why and how of the search engine friendly pages. They can study the link pattern, whether the links are being gathered naturally or has the optimizer arranged to get the links to perk up the search engine positioning.

We need to know SEO of today. The things done yesterday are not good for today and our aim must be to achieve and improve our visibility for tomorrow as well.

  • Isn’t it better to leave the web pages as they are?
  • Build the Meta tags with the purpose with the keywords that the user actually use to find the product and services instead of wasting time on the keywords that don’t lead to conversions rather they just aim in getting the 1st position on the SERPs.
  • Isn’t it better to build the web content for the web surfers instead of the search engines?
  • Why not develop the web page interface to suit the needs of and the usage of the web visitor rather than the search engines.

We need to know what the current SEO demands and twist and turn our SEO strategy to suit the search engine needs of today.

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