Monday 7 January 2013

Search Queries – Navigational Search Queries

SEO is done with the purpose of presenting your website on the search engine platter to the viewers with particular intents. Semantic search features have taken the best time away from the SEOs who made their websites appear on the top with the purpose of bringing in more web traffic. Thus the result of more click through, lesser unique visitors and even lesser customers. At many times these websites failed to foster good conversions and the owners of the website questioned the usefulness of the web for business.

We have been discussing the nature of search queries. We have studied the informational search query. We also understand by now that how do customers who are willing to make purchase search. Such transaction search queries mean a lot to the website owner. The SEO strategy must be based on the search query that the web surfer key in.

This means that we must optimize our site to fit the 3 types of search queries:

  • The informational search query
  • The transactional search query
  • The navigational search query

With the power of the search engines to understand the intent, it is most important for the optimizer too, to understand the type and quality of the search results. Thus making sure that the conductor of the search reaches the destination with ease.

Navigational Search Query is the decisive search query that helps the web visitor to reach the destination with one click. If you are a brand, the website visitor is searching using the navigational search query will lead him to the exact website search results. Google we have learnt has reduced the number of search results for navigational search queries. At occasions like these we see the search results on the first page (SERP) reduced to 7 instead of 10.

Owning the navigational search query will help, state the experts, in appearing in the organic search result as well as if we buy the keywords to appear in the sponsored listing.

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