Wednesday 16 January 2013

SEO tactics for Small Businesses

The fact is not unknown to all. Small businesses are cash starved and dishing out the bundle of green to provide for the optimization of their website is at times is difficult. The point here is to build your visibility. Be smart by thinking out of the box, not just follow the footsteps of other people blindly in the urge of getting top search engine ranking. We have seen that even the good websites with good position on the search engine search results get penalized as the new Google updates refresh their indexing after introducing the updates like Panda and the Penguin.

We are in the ear of intense competition and to hold our ground and further our positioning, we at the other side of the computer must think and device strategies that do not disturb our search engine positioning. Though there are no guarantees that the evolving search engines competition and the frequent changes in their algorithm may not disturb your current visibility, but yet we can try to achieve our ends by being cautious and thoughtful while we build our SEO strategy.

Social signal are important to small business owners. This does not mean that we forget the basic of SEO. The On page optimization and the off-page SEO are very mush there, but the fact is that we must ship our concentration from extensive link building to improving our social presence. The link will come and come in good quantities but slowly and will be the source of authority for your web pages.

Blogs are the best way of getting into the conversation mode with your target market. Blogs are the places where a lot of communication happens in terms of comments and their replies. These are the play grounds where you can show your fitness, not playing hide and seek, but prove that you mean business and cannot be beaten at the game. Help yourself and build authority of your website through blogging.

Leading the visitors through social network participation to your website. I am sure you are on the Facebook with your personal profile. Do you have a business page or the fan page as it is called, if not start working on it now. Get your friends and peers to like you page and get the ball rolling. Tell the members of the social networks that your blog, you press release or your articles are out there and are worth reading.

Let the game begin. Your investment would not be more that your time and the brains to create crafty, intelligent, marketable web content that could help you to gather quality, natural links that none of the search engines could shake and get your website the desired positioning without dishing out the handful of greens.

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