Monday 28 January 2013

SEO 2013

Have you read the SEO prediction for 2013? I bet you have. What do you think? Is the SEO game about to end? SEO the SEOs are finally realizing that their hay days are over. No longer will their jargons make the market steer and no longer manipulating the BOTs would work.

I have been researching to see what will be good for SEO in the coming days. The picture for the traditional SEO that we are so used to seems to be dull. But if you are the content guru and have the way with words, if you can build quality, non plagiarized content then you will be well on the path to win the search engine optimization game. More so, the game of getting your web content ranked and getting more traffic to your web pages. Google+ will play a major part, but as the someone on the internet said in its blog, “As big a flop as Google+ was made out to be, Google surely used this "floportunity" to focus on what it does best, Search.”

One word will describe the SEO with content marketing strategy – “QUALITY”. If you are able to present quality researched article on the web and share it with people in your Google+ circles, get comments and feedback. The search engine leader will rank it on the search engine results without having to give the back link a thought. It’s not difficult. But I have read that our friends are already on their way searching for ways of manipulating and cheating the search algorithm. A bad thought, but it’s true.

Good content will be socially shared. Good for the optimizers. Social signals have started to emerge as heavy weights in SEO. The Jigsaw seems to fit

Good quality content will be evaluated, it would be sent out to be read, thus encouraging comments. The social sharing will happen if the content carries weight in terms of quality and information, hence, a step forward towards more people coming to the site and possibly more links.

It’s not easy as it was before, but my friends SEO isn’t going to die, not really in the year 2013.

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