Friday 25 January 2013

SEO is not like what it used to be

I have heard many grunts on SEO. Some said it’s not working like it used to. Sure things have changed a lot. Google had pre warned the optimizers through the Penguin and the Panda updates. You need to redress your SEO strategy. The major shift now is that you have to optimize the web pages for the views, get the ball rolling for them to like what you are says. It is not like creating web content, keyword stuff and angled to get the spiders coming to your web pages and ranking them for higher search results. We had seen the sites going down the ranking alley.

So what in with SEO these days? What? I heard someone say that it is dead. Yes certainly it is dead for the person who did hear the call of the day. Honey no. Take a look at the Google home page and check out its ranking. Surprised? It does not rank on the first spot.

Well I am here to tell you that SEO has really come off age, thanks to the search engine algorithm that has forced the optimizers to think in terms of the web users. Keywords still have a role to play, so does the on page optimization. The role of Off Page has changed. Web content still rules but the focus needs to be directed towards the use. Not more article spinning works, no more made up content for the search engine rules.

The crux of SEO now lies in the valuable, original content that gives more to the web user and gets genuine like. More will full content sharing and more social buzz. We can feel the tilt. The idea is to get more people interested and more people to reach your site with intent and favor. People being led to the web pages after arriving through the social shares are the people who know what you are doing and would want to interact with you and your business.

SEO really isn’t dead. It has just changed its face

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