Friday 4 January 2013

Search Queries – Learn the types

Just yesterday we were discussing transactional search queries. We know for a fact that serious buyers too, surf the net, though lesser in numbers than the visitors who are there to learn and to retrieve information about the product and services. It is but natural. We are all learners at first before we make the buying decision and get ready to get our credit cards swept.

When we are conducting a broad based search like “cheapest laptops”, “laptop offers” we are actually searching for all types and all brands of laptops available. Here we want to know about the brands, different laptop models and their prices before we actually want to narrow down on one particular brand. These types are informational queries. Here they are not keying in the brand name, or are looking for a particular site i.e.:

Almost all of us go through this phase. Our aim is to be helpful to the web visitors and let them go through their learning curve. The aim of the website owners if to get as many visitors as possible and then skillfully lead them to buy.

What do we do to lead the visitors to our web pages? Take it easy from here. We need to present ourselves as honest, trusting source that provides quality information. We must aim to present ourselves as authorities so that the visitors place more trust in our web content and our web pages. We need to:

  • Blog about the products – one at a time, not cram in all the information in one go and make ourselves look miserable
  • Business news releases help in steering interest of the web surfer looking for information on the product and marketing offers.
  • Educated the buyers about what to look for, about the important features that could help them to buy the good product, a step by step guide would be helpful.
  • A video – the how to “YouTube” video would help too in this respect.

Working out on positing ourselves on the internet and the search engine results to get more inquirers coming to our web pages would also lead many buyers to come and relearn. We know for a fact the by providing quality information visible on the search engines, we could force a change in buying decisions.

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