Thursday 3 January 2013

Conversions – People who transact, how do they search?

It is about time we should study user queries that lead to conversions, that is, queries that lead to transactions. When people are ready to buy, what sort of queries they made, hence, leading to purchase. It’s important isn’t it? While working with SEO the intent based search results do play an important role. This semantic search result will have more say in the coming year.

I asked this question the other day when I met the group of SEO experts. The reply was interesting and I thought it would benefit everyone. So here we go.

“These are called the transactional queries. The purchase decision had either, already been made or the surfer is about to made his or her decision. The intent is there and hence the queries might include the words like buy, order or the exact brand name might be keyed in during the search and the local search might be embedded in the query. We can explain the search for the “cheapest air fare from Virginia to Florida” could explain the intent. If the person is not ready to get is credit card swept right away, he is on the verge of making a decision. These types are transactional queries and carry a greater chance of conversion.”

This explains some facts and it would be easier now for most of us to articulate our web content to help in conversions.

This explanation also leads us to conclude that once we understand the transactional queries, we can do certainly take the big piece of cake by signing up for the sponsored search results. Make use of the real estate alongside the organic queries. The purchaser’s intent is to click through every possible clickable link that can lead to a cheaper and better purchase. He loves his money more than he loves the seller; hence, we can take a chance on this fact and get rolled out in PPC adverts. People, we study, tend to click on the PPC ads if they have decided to buy.

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