Monday 31 December 2012

Author Rank

It seems that the master search engine has always kept its promise. It always surprises us and gifts us with something new and more challenging. We had promised in our previous posts that there will be new things on the SEO horizon coming New Year. The year ends today and Google gives us the surprise.

Content as we know as always ruled the internet world. Original, fresh and healthy content has always been valued more, weighed more and had been favored by Google. Now, once again Google says that you need to be creative, original and develop new informative content and get it ranked well. This time the master search engine has come up with Google AuthorRank. For those who are familiar with the Google Page rank, this might come up as a surprise. Yes. You need to come with the fresh, original and healthy content, not just the web page content, Google talks about every bit of new text that you place on the search engine for your search engine marketing purpose.

We need to be on the Google+. Here content that has harnessed natural links is considered to be written by the expert author. The Google+ contributor’s section is the place where you need to put up the blogs and places where you are placing your written content. Bloggers, now have new place to put up there blogs names, thus creating a relationship with the search engines and hence the authors name and profile image shows up in the results. Not bad, but you need to have an author, the person who had the power of creating powerful informative content.

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