Tuesday 4 December 2012

SEO – The Intent of Search Engine Optimization

They show the bundle of greens in most of images, enticing the web visitors to click through and learn about SEO. Showing the dog, the bone and forcing the thought of getting rich overnight onto the cash starved people. Does SEO get to you the bundle of greens that fast? Well, if this were true, Harry would have been a billionaire. Let’s get to the bottom of the truth of bagging the bundle of greens through search engine optimization.

To get rich through SEO, we need to understand the web visitors. Ranking high does not guarantee business, let alone the greens that lure you towards the world of the web. Understanding the need of the web visitors when they conduct a search, study the problems of the web visitors with the range of products and services you are offering and how to create an appealing web presence that could make the web visitors stay on your web page and buy.

What is SEO, by the way? The acronym stands for search engine optimization or search engine optimizer. The former relates to the search engine marketing activity in which we make our sites search engine friendly and prepare it to be index by the search engines and expect that the site would be returned in the list of first 10 websites that appear on the first page of search engine ranking results. The later means the person who does the optimization bit. The skilled person who is expected to know be familiar with the search engine algorithm and can optimize the websites for higher search engine ranking.

Good, so you talk to the search engine optimization expert and get your website ranked higher. Say the first page, first spot. Than what happens. Even when people visit your website and click away to another destination by conducting a similar search and your website is not present there, the business flies off to someone else.

The intent of the search needs to be understood here. Not all visitors are customers but those who are serious buyers and do not find worthwhile information, walk away in disgust, never to return back.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog content in very educative, effective and high quality content.
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