Wednesday 5 December 2012

Want to hurt your website, Give you Website an overdose of SEO

Our aim, I mean every web business owner’s aim is to get to the top of the search engine ranking, with the 1st spot of the first SERP being the dream location. Our focus remains the top position or the top ones on the SERPs. We focus on how to get our web pages keyword rich with loads of healthy back links. Ha, so true, we have seen people getting to the top, getting the visibility yet, this resulted in the users frustration when some good for nothing sites propped up, filled with Google Ads.

Our friends at Google witnessed this for too long. Kept quite but worked at the same time to find ways of reducing the appearance of the over optimized sites and give the good sites a chance, that were not so much optimized but had something natural at their end, I mean, not so many keywords and with naturally built back links. These sites were built with purpose and intent.

The inevitable change came. People had to pay for the over optimized efforts, and got penalized.

If you truly want to hurt your website’s visibility do fall into the footsteps of the black hat SEO specialists.

Build your focus on quantity – The best way to get your web pages penalized by Google is to stuff the web page content with the keywords. Make the web content for the search engines robots and trigger their attention to get fast ranking and top positioning.

Buy Links – Links matter most. Your effort to get your site de ranked will be fulfilled if you buy links from link farms. It does not matter now from where these links come. Unless you web page is linked with other websites, your purpose of over SEO is being met.

The search engines previously did not pay attention to the relevance and the quality of links, web content and the keyword density being used in the web content. It though made the content meaningless, but it got the web business owner the top position on the search engine results pages.

This would not happen now. If you want to thrive on the web learn through the Google SEO guidelines. Like over eating is bad for our health, over optimization is bad for the health and the survival of your website. Search engines have got smarter and want us to play the SEO game on the level playing field. No unethical SEO practices please.

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