Tuesday 18 December 2012

SEO is getting difficult with time

True. SEO is getting difficult with time. I was debating this title with my friends and we opined that number of factors have made the SEO difficult. (a) The search engine algorithm changes have changed the SEO process. (b) Competition on the limited web space has made it difficult for the websites to rank higher.

There is only one FIRST spot on the SERP for a particular search. Imagine how many website owners would be aiming for that spot, thus, the competition; the cut throat competition forces them to use ethical and unethical means to rank on the top. No understanding that the black hat techniques would get them to achieve only limited time on the top of the SERPs.

We have to understand that the first 10 spots on the first page of the SERP are equally important. These are the important place holders that attract the attention of the web visitors and for those who find the title and the description displayed on the SERP interesting, click through to visit the website.

SEO is not just about high ranking. It is also about the art with which you draft your Meta title tags, how intelligently you create your web content and how much juice you can put in your off page optimization. Intelligence and clear understanding of the SEO process would lead you to building a powerful web marketing strategy.

SEO today, is about being natural and not increasing the density of the keywords, as we use to do earlier. Even 3% is like stuffing keywords. Be sure that these are the days of the semantic searches. We need to natural and build a purpose in our web content. More than your purpose of selling to the customer, our focus needs to be on the intent of the customer who arrives at our website must be kept in mind, as through artificial intelligence, the search engine bots, index and help us to spread the information most relevant to the users query.

The mistake that most of the SEO’s make is that we focus on our intent of selling, more than we focus on the intent of our customers, hence, fail to create buzz that is needed. SEO is getting complex, we can no longer stuff keywords, no longer can we buy links and no longer can we wear a black hat.

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