Wednesday 26 December 2012

2102 SEO Review

Wasn’t the year 2012 eventful in terms of SEO? Google did knock out some of the heavy weight web pages out of the search horizon. The year started off with a somber note but the SEO activists at the search giant’s office were busy knitting their web. They wanted to give more purposeful information to the web users. The word came out nearing the mid of the passing year that website owners and the SEO strategists need to be careful with their SEO work must not overdo their optimization efforts and must refrain from the unethical SEO practices.

The search giant was serious. It was proved from the Panda and the Penguin updates that the masters of the search were serious with what they were saying. The users of the web, the people surfing the net were the beneficiaries of the updates. These helped them to arrive at the more informative and purposeful sites other than those that were unethically optimized and those that contained Google Ad Sense adverts. Though some such websites are still there, smiling at the face of the web users, making mockery of the sincere efforts being made.

Google did actually write to the webmasters warning them and telling them that their websites would be penalized if the unethical links would not be removed. This meant lowering the authority and the ranking of the websites.

The year 2012 wraps up in few days from now. Leaving the SEO trends with:

  • The Penguin updates
  • Personalized searchers
  • Google Places
  • Google +
  • Over optimization penalties

The things that remained common throughout are the keywords which make the base for the SEO. The relevance of the keywords to the web content and to the purpose of the website and the market niche remains to be central.

Yet Google came up with the semantic search results where the artificially intelligent Google BOTs decipher the intent of the search, break into the meaning of the content rather than indexing them for the mere words and produce the results in front of the web visitor giving out more purposeful results.

This means that the keywords are about to lose their importance? We have to wait and see what the New Year brings for us. In terms of SEO and search engine marketing we might be in for some more surprises.

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