Monday 17 December 2012

Ignorance of Search Engine Optimization

You might be surprised that even in these days of fast access and fastest dissemination of information people remain ignorant of SEO. The search engine optimization process and how it could help us in getting our business to become the talk of the town.  We are living in the high tech world. Tabs, smart phones, note books, net books, laptops etc. We use these devices for our business and personal purpose, but there are people who use these high tech machines to entertainment purpose only, for them the use of these machines is limited to watching movies, videos and audios and playing games.

The businessmen, in this respect are familiar with the websites yet, optimization is an alien field for them to venture in. I am talking about the people who are not so internet savvy and not so computer literate. They still believe much in the physical world.

“I don’t need a website” said a vendor who walked in for cold call. I was shocked. What was he talking about? “I had a website, but it did not get me business.” He said. Good. This meant he was in the league and was one of those people who had been bitten hard by a website designer who failed to give him a chance to succeed on the internet. We would find many website designers, developers and the search engine optimizer pocketing money in terms of fee and not caring for their client’s business outcome. They have a lot to say about their failures. The blame is always on the client’s business.

We were in conversation about the product he was offering me. The product was interesting and was useful for my work too so I was looking forward to the purchase, but at the same time I started to tell him about the SEO process and the good of the business website design. He was a small business owner, who was running his show on tight budget and did not like the idea of getting a CMS website developed and get it optimized for search engine ranking.

It took me 35 minutes and 3 phone calls for testimonials to convince him that he would be better off with an optimized website and other search engine marketing strategies. I had to offer a lowest plan, with easy payment so that he can pay the dues.

This was the first time he came across the terms like On Page Optimization, off Page Optimization. He learnt about keyword research and the importance of Title and description tags. The art of SEO fascinated him.

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