Wednesday 21 November 2012

Why is Meta Description Tag Important?

We had just yesterday discussed the Meta Title Tag. We know why it is important. Moving beyond this let me tell you about the description Tag. I had learnt fast. Fast enough to do the On-Page Optimization for my website. The biggest and the tricky hurdle in my effort that made me spend more time was the keyword research. But now, once the keywords have been selected I can move ahead fast.

This is how your Meta Description Tag looks like < Meta name="description" content="#">

“Is it important?” I had asked my tutor. I asked a silly question. He told me it is important as this snippet tell the readers about the web page and its content. After reading the meta tag, the website visitors go through this summery to decide whether clicking on the link would be worth while or not.

“It should not be more than 250 characters (with spaces). Here bigger is not better, it will left out by the search engines. So make it precise and to the point.”

Leaving the Meta Title Tag blank harms your SEO process, but if we leave the Description Tag unfilled, you would find that Google and the Bing will fill it up for you. I learnt that the web pages description tag must contain the some very important keyword relating to the web page being optimized. Hence, when the user‘s query is made, the search engines return your website displayed on the SERPs. The position i.e. the placement on the search engines results page depends how effectively you have made your description and title tags.

It is difficult to please the search engines and the web users in 250 characters summery displayed as description. Practice will make you perfect. It is an interesting test of you English drafting skills.

People might end up making Meta Description Tag that might look spammy to the web visitors. With the generic description i.e. the snippet picked up by the search engines might be interesting for the search engines. Thus, we need to create the description tag that are more meaningful and those that do not look like keyword stuffed Descriptions made for SEO purpose only.

1 comment:

  1. such a useful information you have provide here! Thanks for sharing this type of blog...i will bookmark your blog as well...
    SEO Perth
