Wednesday 7 November 2012

Aim of the SEO

Really it is not difficult to understand why people need to optimize their websites. Google is making all the efforts through the change in the Google algorithm and with the Panda refresher update, as I have heard, just couple of days back, to make the sites most relevant to the users query to appear in the search engine ranking results. Good for us, as the users, like me, will get to get better precision results, not fake landing pages with Google Ad sense ads smiling at our facing. That was and at times, still is the case when searches are conducted.

Being natural helps today. We have to get out of the habit of making keyword rich documents. Like someone rightly said, we need to keep our ego out while optimizing the site. I did not understand what he meant, than yes, the dust cleared. We must focus on the web visitors, people for whom we make the website. Sure the in-depth or the hidden fact is that our websites are made by us to serve our bottom line, yet it is the web visitors through which we ultimately benefit. If they don’t find us, we cannot thrive. Thus on the web we must aim for full visibility.

The recent changes in the Google algorithm, Google says, are designed to give the users better results. The updates done last years had an impact of 11.8% on the user’s queries and this resulted in lowering the ranking of poor quality websites.

To create a healthy web ecosystem, Google says, they need to make the changes and that these changes will affect the websites. While some sites would go up, other might not be found in the older positions. Web content, they say, rules and will continue to rule the game of SEO. Lower density of keywords and more natural style created content for the web visitors and not just aiming for the search engine bots.

You need more customers, than think in the terms of the web site visitors. Aim your guns at them and for the time being, forget the “YOU” in you.

The aim of seo is to create more visibility on the search engines, get more free web traffic and from amongst the web visitors get hold of the leads that we get in the process.

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