Thursday 8 November 2012

Future of SEO

I have been wondering about what does future hold in the terms of SEO. The web marketers have been repeatedly jolted by the fact that the search engines have changed their algorithm and kept the optimizers busy with their changed programmings. The way bots crawled has changed. I needed to clear out the confusion and I was seeking SEO specialists who can guide me through. Reading Google’s Blog and other informative articles gave me the idea but hearing out from the experts usually gives me a particular advantage as I get out some tips and tricks from them.

Penguin brought the big change. Those who based their SEO heavily on the keyword density felt the earth below their feet rocking. The earth quake measuring XX was felt by them. The surprise was the artificial intelligence being used the search engine to read between the lines. Not just what the words meant but the intent behind the search was under scrutiny before the search results were present in front of the web visitors.

Today the semantic searches built within the Penguin update is an eye opener. Google thinks beyond, their focus are the web visitors and their aim is to provide value for the time spent by the users on the search engine and give them more precise results for the search being conducted.

Our focus, thus changes. We as SEO’s now talk about being natural and use less traditional keywords. When 3% keywords seemed prudent and thoughtful keyword density ratio we walked that path, now 3% is high density.

What do we do now and what about the future of SEO?

Can you predict future? I cannot, but by looking at the current scenario, we must agree to the point that we need to be natural when we build content. The targeted keyword must mean something instead of mere alphabetically ordered words. The content must have the purpose to compete on Google. You will be up against your competition and the same time fighting for the place on the search engine with searchable content to get into the latent semantic indexing process.

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