Friday 16 November 2012

Learning SEO – 15 minutes or more

Reading through the SEO e-book and a few search engine optimization tutorials on the web made me realize how easy it is to learn SEO. Actually, I had been living in the fools land till now, thinking that SEO needed me to learn the software development basic skills. This is exactly what pushed me away from the learning optimization.

My research on the subject and my friend’s guidance led me to a number of valuable informative pages on the web.

Though very interestingly told, the learning curve, the beginning of the SEO process titled as the basics of SEO led me to understand the keywords remain central to the SEO strategy. This is easy to understand. We as visitors to the web do conduct our searches by keying in search terms. Sometimes we search with vague terms but many a times we are searching very specifically for goods and services.

The core of keyword research as they tell me is to arrive at the right set of keywords, as the correctness and the relevance will make or break the situation. Make us thrive on the web or make us lose the internet marketing game.

Understanding keywords

Conceptually, the keywords are the prime words that relate to your products, services or the marketing niche. I had to dig deeper to understand the process of keyword research.

Keyword research tools like Google Keyword tool, Word Tracker or Good Keywords help us to arrive at the selected keywords. We need to list down our search terms and check these on Google, Yahoo and the Bing to see the competition that we face for these search terms.

They also tell us in their SEO e-book that we have to go for lesser competitive keywords if we want ourselves to be seen on the web search results. Face less competition at first and then go for the bigger move.

Yes, Learning SEO is easy, but the fact of the matter is, putting it to practice is difficult. We understand the first steps but I guess practice makes the man perfect. I have requested my friend to let me help him in some SEO projects where he will supervise and I will work. Guess this is the best way to learn.

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