Monday 17 September 2012

Today’s SEO Tip

We read so much about search engine optimization that frequently we loose track that what has to be done today, to get more links. We are usually indulging in off page without a proper secure plan. With no plan of action, we remain beating about the bush really and getting no where as far as the building links is concerned.

The our link building activities where we prefer to leave the links of our web page we usually end up leaving the backlink to our home page. Well this is good, but enough to get the real juice out of the link building strategy.

There are other pages on your website that need attention too. May be the visitors are not interested in your home page but your products page might propel them to get in touch with you. The links back to your products page would give your website more links and better hold on the search engine positioning.

Think about it. What are other pages on your website that might be helpful if used in link building? There might be a few. The product page, the services pages, or better still, you can choose the three best pages you might think would be helpful in building links.

Ramapati Singhania shares my thought and says, “Take stock and choose any 3 of your "most important" pages today andset a plan to specifically work on increasing some natural link popularity, directly to those pages individually. Part of some people's trouble (when it comes to linking,) is that they become overwhelmed. The job seems too massive when really, it's not. Just a little plan and a little consistent effort even once a week, can carry you an ENOURMOUS distance! What's your plan? Start by choosing just 3 of your "most important" pages”.

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