Wednesday 19 September 2012

Semantic search

Wiki opens its discussion on Semantic search by saying, “Semantic search seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding searcher intent and the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable data space, whether on the Web or within a closed system, to generate more relevant results.”

Discussing the process of creating relevance during search, Wiki goes on the explain, “In order to understand what a user is searching for, word sense disambiguation must occur. When a term is ambiguous, meaning it can have several meanings (for example, if one considers the lemma "bark", which can be understood as "the sound of a dog," "the skin of a tree," or "a three-masted sailing ship"), the disambiguation process is started, thanks to which the most probable meaning is chosen from all those possible.

Such process make use of other information present in a semantic analysis system and takes into account the meanings of other words present in the sentence and in the rest of the text. The determination of every meaning, in substance, influences the disambiguation of the others, until a situation of maximum plausibility and coherence is reached for the sentence. All the fundamental information for the disambiguation process, that is, all the knowledge used by the system, is represented in the form of a semantic network, organized on a conceptual basis.”

We take our discussion further, but take into account more of the semantic search results process through the SEO Bridge. 

The optimizers and the website design builders need to take into account the relevance of the web pages to the web copy or shall we say website content. Even, when we talk about semantics we cannot over look the Facebook wall postings or the blogs or even form commenting cannot be over looked. Every thing is linked to the relevance of the subject, hence, filling the database and making it ready to produce the relevant search results when a query is generated by the web user.

Building content for the web, that has relevance to the subject, use of keywords, phrases and long tail ends with intent, not over using, over emphasizing or any way stuffing the search term, as the search engines are intelligent enough to analyze the intent of the content maker and the web surfer while processing search results. Let your content be naturally flowing, easy to be read and understood. 

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