Thursday 28 February 2013

SEO Rule 2013: Steps to build you online visibility

As soon as we start building our online presence, we think of SEO. In 2013 for SEO the playing ground is the same, the SEO rules have been modified. While many of the websites dominating on the search engines were delisted, others which were not so search engine friendly suddenly found themselves ranking at the top.

Top search engine ranking is always the first choice of any website owner, as he knows that the top spot brings top visibility and drives traffic to their websites. But what goes on, in this year, is a bit different than what has been preached and practiced in the past years. Let’s take a look at the must do things that we need to do. One thing we must remember, top ranking does not guarantee business, it can bring traffic. Business owners need traffic that can convert into customers thus, building a website and optimizing it for the customers should be the intent.

Before plunging into the SEO pool, just wait and think what your customers are searching for. Studying their intent will help you to formulate customer driven approach in you SEO rather than building your SEO plan around the search engines. Customer intent based SEO will help in getting more qualified and ready to buy customers.

Content has been and will always remain to be the king. But dressing up the king for the users to see, study and digest, not for the search engines to index. If your content is creative, easily readable, is understood by the users and triggers the interested of the web visitor, you will have won half of the war.

Back Links – The important Off Page SEO stuff. Unseen by the web visitors but are liked by the search engines. Back links are important, but not all, just the relevant links that your site gets linked to, naturally. Don’t rush into buying links, you website could come into trouble and get delisted.

We have always looked at SEO as the tool for instant results. Our friends have always expected that their website would pop up instantly at the top of search engine ranking once the strategies are in place, WRONG. SEO is a long term process. You cannot get your website ranked in a day’s time, nor in a month’s time. There is a waiting period for your SEO strategy to mature and help your website to rank at the top of the search engine.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing This post and the tips to build online visibility.
    SEO India
