Wednesday 13 February 2013

SEO Tips for 2013

Hello again. 2013 is here, we are still sitting couched up in our chair staring at our computer screens to see what new SEO stuff is out from the Google’s office. We have seen people dread the time, when Google updates roll out and the shift, the major shift is seen in the website ranking. 2012 was full of suspense and so is the beginning of the 2013 in terms of SEO techniques.

I think things have gone simpler than before. No more heavy SEO techniques to be used. Be natural and get linked naturally with people.

Here are some tips for you to work on to get your SEO working.

Focus on Content – The fresh content that is original, crisp and that can deliver value for the time spent is the one that is liked by the search engine. It will help in creating more readerships, get you more links and help in increasing the social shares for the content that you have uploaded either in your website, in your blog, in forums, in the press releases etc. such content becomes the source of generating qualified web traffic to your website and hence, with the relevant links that you get, you can strengthen your authority, here on the web. Content had previously been and still is the KING.

Hard Core SEO Techniques
– Out of the hard core SEO techniques we can maintain our On-Page elements like working with Meta Tags and building effective description tags. The web page content and the marketing messages are the keyword density requirements no longer exist. Naturally built content that could make sense to the website visitor is quite helpful for SEO.

Keyword Research – Keywords are very much there and are the source for SEO but relevance plays an important role. The target must be to use keywords that help in conversion, not to use the keywords so quench the hunger of the search engines.

Going social will help – Social Marketing mediums will help more in the off page SEO. Which means that Social share will help you getting more relevant links for other websites and hence perk up the ranking of your webpage.

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