Thursday 21 February 2013

Returning to the Basics of SEO

We do not need to peep back in the not so very distant past about what SEO held for us. We are in the 2013, the basics remain the same. Some tweaks in the algorithm has made things difficult for us in the search engine optimization but in a NUT shells the elements of SEO are not different as they were earlier. The angle or I can say the direction has changed. The flight is more serious or more web user directed. So what? This does not tell us that SEO is dead.

Let’s look at the changes that foster the notion that SEO is dead.

Keywords – keyword remain to hold the same importance, save for the fact that their usage i.e. the density of their keyword being used has changed. Now anything beyond 2% might run down into spam. Keyword, phrases and variation must be more intent driven rather than search engine BOTs driven.  The selection of keywords is now more dependents on its use, competition and how does these keyword match with the intent of the users, when they conduct a search.

Back Links are still important – The off page SEO element – The one way back link. We used to write and submit articles, we still do. We blog a lot and hence this efforts brings is back links. The slower process of search engine optimization which was speeded up the SEO experts who brought back links. Links farm thrived and hence the bottom line of the SEO was met.

Nothing has changed, importance of back links is still there. The change is that not just any link is acceptable. Your back links must come from the relevant website. If your website is about selling water and the back link comes from a pluming website, it won’t work. Natural link building matters now.

Web content – Don’t copy. This was the call earlier. This is the call of the day too. The content still holds the position of the king. It truly is. The change is that you have to put in more blood, more brains and create more interesting and informative articles. Intent driven content will bring more juice to your web pages.

SEO is alive, and lives very much on the search engines. We need to correct our website optimization methods and create sites and content that deliver value to the visitors.

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