Friday 1 March 2013

Driving Traffic to your website: The road map

Getting a website made and hosting it is not a big deal. The real juice is when people find your website on the search engines and visit our web page to learn what you and your company are doing. Out of many thousands of visitors, a few would actually stick and interact. How to compel the visitors to stay on the web page and how to compel them to buy, is out of the preview of the article. We are here to learn how could be build traffic to our website.

Search engine marketing does the trick, but to begin with we will look at the SEO and learn what does SEO do for our visibility.

SEO deals with the search engine friendliness of the website and makes it easier for the website to rank on the first pages of the SERPs (Search engine results pages). This quick fix of the web page elements to make the web spiders spot the web page and index helps a lot in the long run. Be sure that SEO takes time to mature, enough time that would make you excited enough to make you give up on the SEO tricks. Hold you guns, there are more than one ways of getting people interested in your website. Especially those who are already searching for the products and services you are dealing in.

Blogging – the sure fire way of getting people interested. If you are selling jeans, talk a lot about them. Tell the people about different brands and tell them why your brand is better than the other, Talk to your followers and force them to comment, from their lead them to your website.

Press Release Distribution – Use the power of the news. Shoot breaking news about the launch of your brand. About the stuff that arrives in your web space. Give them the reason to visit your site. Tell them that something interesting is waiting for them there. You can leverage a lot through press releases and drive unlimited qualified web traffic to your website.

We cannot forget the social media. The gang bang where millions of nosey people are online 24/7. Give them the news, show them your product and lead them to your web space by giving them offers. Create events for them and let them have fun when they buy your products.

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