Tuesday 12 February 2013

Connect with People through Forum Participation

When we think SEO is not working, people are not viewing our web pages because our website is not ranking on the first page, we get discouraged. The red cell for website is the web traffic that could help our business breathe to life. We need to device other means of promoting our website and letting people know that our online business exists. Forums are the places that could make this happen. These are the places where we find interested group of web users conversing about the products and services.

How to connect with your target market?

If this is not a million dollar question, it is an important question that could lead you to successful online business. You need to study, you need to practice, and if you fumble you can walk again without the help of the walking stick.

Find your business niche forum – This is important. You need to knock the right door. If you bark up the wrong tree, you would waste your time. This is place where your target market would be hanging around. Beware; your competition would be there too. You need to step in. Simply sign up and start walking through the forum.

Create Discussions – To get involved you can start my commenting on the posts and join the conversation that people are already engaged in. This will show you presence. But what good your comments are if you fail to lead them to your website. Initially, you need to build trust, so quality commenting would help you to start the buzz. Once in you can start up a fresh topic, talk sense and do something creative and interesting. Encourage other participant to comment and take part in the discussion.

Answering to comments and responding to posts
– While you have entered the forum arena do reply to posts, even if you think that the member is pulling your leg or being nasty or complaining, take this commenting as an opportunity to create goodwill and let the other members of the discussion group in particular know that you are serious and mean business.

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