Friday 15 February 2013

SEO – Internet marketing

SEO is one essential element of the internet marketing. We have placed too much emphases of search engine optimization, creating an Air that SEO alone would get you the online business that your business deserves. The hard facts are still to be understood. I had been working on the search engine optimization projects of some clients and had the chance of learning with working. While I did a lot for the websites and helped them gain to search engine ranking, I still got complaints that the clients are not the business they intended to receive from SEO.

My friend, SEO is one medium of the internet marketing. While search engine marketing demands more effort, there are other online marketing mediums that will help you to support your web marketing activities. SEO is one, very broad means of getting the visibility desired by the business entity.

Keyword research and the use of the search terms in SEO

One we target our audience and learn about their search habits (thanks to Google keyword research tool) we can actually come up with the search terms our target market would be using to search for the products and services we are offering. Hence, we need more insights and more knowledge about our targeted audience.


One thing that remains central to every internet marketing activity, especially SEO is the content. We need to write the web copy, we need to build the marketing copy, we also need to create interesting posts on the other social marketing mediums, and hence words play their part. Our written scripts need to be original, intended to educate the web visitors and help them to learn. For sure this content will be optimized for the search engines, yet, these must be customer focused and not search engine focused. Search engine would be your customers; these would be the source of bringing customers to you. If our customers do not understand our written scripts and pass away, we would have wasted our time and our client’s money.

For sure visibility on the search engines brings recognition, bring in popularity, helps in positioning our web pages on the search engine and create a lot of buzz, but we need to backup our SEO activities by other search engine marketing activities like Blogging, Press Release Distribution, Social network marketing, You Tube Videos and Tweeting about our products and services.

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