Friday 22 February 2013

Original content, the inroad to SEO

Content has always been central to every online marketing strategy. Previously we used to articulate search engine friendly content, with high keyword density to get into the eyes of the spiders. We used a lot of spinned content and did a lot of jugglery with the SEO techniques and made the optimized content qualify for high search engine ranking. This was good for the past. The present has more surprises for us.

Google, we are well aware is the number one leader of web traffic to our websites and to our other social marketing mediums including blogs, Facebook shares etc. We dependent a lot upon their ranking strategies and hence get affected with the slightest change in the ranking factors. Hence we need to keep one up with the changes that the Search giant does.

One thing that has remained a standard since the beginning is the content. Content rules the SEO horizon but you need to check your high ranking urge and not to play a foul game. Google is smart and smells the rat.

  • The need of the day is the original web content, not spinned or taken from other web pages.
  • We need to embed relevant keywords, not stuff them.
  • The content must be informative and carry more value for the readers.
  • The content must fulfill the intent of the readers
  • Content of every page on the website must relate to the topic being discussion in the title or heading of the page

The get the strong hold and solid footing on the search engines our web conversation need to be web visitor focused. The rest will be easy to achieve as more people, more business prospects will like what is being told to them and would result in more social shares. The more liking by the web visitors would lead to the liking by the search engines and hence, more visitors and more back links would result.

Original, un-plagiarized, creative and intent based web content is the need of the day that could help in creating solid hold on the search engines.

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