Monday 4 March 2013

Reviewing Businesses Online: Stringent Measures enforced by Search Engine

Google is now going to mind your business. Beware; do not write any fake reviews. The bad habit, in which most of the businesses have jumped into, will now be watched by the search engine. We could say that Google is going to mind your business to keep its business straight. The viewers or the web visitors have always been the focus of the search engine leader, I think that is why they call Google the search engine giant. The search engine never lets is users feel bad about using the search engine and keeps occupying the giant share in the search world.

Quality – relevance – honesty will help in building better customer relationship. Google’s focus – the search engine users get value for their time spent and are not misled by any fake reviews and ratings.

If you are writing for your current employer, just stop doing so. If you have been promised by your SEO consultants for getting your reviews faked up, just ask them not to. We are now being watch. Instead of reputation building by forced reviews, or leading your customers to get gifts in return of good reviews, you might lose reputation. Those who have placed tabs and computers for their customers to leave reviews, better take them off. Google is watching you and has just launched a change in the algorithm for detecting spam and fake reviews on Google+ pages.

Those who had fun time doing this have forced the change. Enough playing around Google’s soft corner for reviews. Google says it will remain committed to quality. It remains committed to people to help them find reviews, rating and recommendations that are honest and trust worthy. The relevant and helpful reviews are what will count.

SEOs are cautioned by Google not to digitize reviews and rating left by the customers on site of business. The search engine has also warned against posting reviews on behalf of others.

This takes us to real time work. The businesses can drop in an email to their customers thanking them for their visit and request them to leaving reviews online, but not tempt them for favorable reviews only. The negative reviews have their own rating and the business people are expected to handle their negative reviews prudently.

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